本文摘要: “市场销售部”的英文翻译翻译如下:市场销售部SSalesandMarketing;SALES&MARKETING;SALES&MARKETINGDEPARTMENT都可以。例句:督导市场销售部的各项活动,提升销售业绩。商品交易场所)markethouse;
翻译如下:市场销售部 SSales and Marketing;SALES & MARKETING;SALES & MARKETING DEPARTMENT都可以。例句:督导市场销售部的各项活动,提升销售业绩。
商品交易场所) market house; marketplace (商品行销区域) market; bazaar: 股票市场 effect market; 国内市场 domestic markets; 国内外市场 domestic and foreign markets; 市场繁荣。
行政部 Administrative Department,简称为AD。人力资源部 Human Resources Department,简称为HRD。市场部 Market Department,简称为MD。技术部 Technology Department ,简称为TD。客服部 Customer Service Department,简称为 CSD。
【英文缩写】Dept.(一定要加“.”)【英文全称】department Dept.用法例句:Cooperate& coordinate with other dept.与各部门之间的合作与协调。Manage, coach and monitor subordinates to reach objective of dept.管理、指导和培训下属实现部门工作目标。
研发部主管的英文说法是:Director of R & D department 研发部的英文全称是“research and development center”。通常我们可以它缩写成“R&D” 或者“RDC”。
〖贰〗、宝贝,对不起,我离开了你 Baby, I am so sorry that I have to leave you 但是,你知道为什么吗?是因为我不爱你了?不是。
〖叁〗、The new economic development trend requires that marketing tools of new period must meet the needs of market development and modern market economy whose core is customer demands.经济的发展,技术的突进带来了新的营销理论:网络营销。
〖壹〗、am very that day good sorry,I have not helped you.能够和你相识一场,是我的缘分。★Can be acquainted with one another with you,is my fate.那次事件,对你实在太大影响了。★That event,affected too greatly really to you.身为你的朋友,我竟然不能帮到你。
〖贰〗、I always take gratitude as a life attitude. I find that if you have more gratitudes. You can have more meanings.一个人如果只知道一味的索取而不懂得如何回馈,终有一天会发现自己已经迷失在了自己的欲望之中。
〖叁〗、In those days,i read whatever i can find as long as written in English.我敢肯定那座楼在空袭中一定被完全炸毁了。i can confirm that building had been blown down in air attack.她被这突如其来的打击吓得好几分钟讲不出一句话来。
〖肆〗、but I am careful and responsible to my work, and I have good communication ability, so I have the confidence to say that I am the most suitable person to the job.4) I finished the Graduation Project report by Word and Excel.手工翻译。
〖壹〗、Dear Sir/Madam,I am hereby expressing an intention to buy your domain-name. The price issue is negotiable. Your domain name is of great importance to me. Would you please consider my request?It would be greatly appreciated if you can reply me. Thank you.最后一句我帮你改了改。
〖贰〗、Along with the continuously develop of the economy level, peoples consumption,mode of production is gradually diverse, city life garbage of the creation also increases increasingly.在众多的城市生活垃圾处理方法里,生活垃圾堆肥法不失为一个很好的处理方法。
〖叁〗、most effective resources and other combinations of inputs.Activities Analysis - 作业分析 Activity Based Costing - 作业成本法 participate in - 参与 combination of inputs - 投入组合 您好,原文翻译如上供借鉴,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮。
〖壹〗、policy是一个英语单词,意为政策; 策略; 保险单; 策略性。短语搭配:monetary policy货币政策。economic policy经济政策。foreign policy外交政策。public policy国家政策。national policy国家政策。quality policy质量方针;品质政策。
〖叁〗、政策(英语:Policy)泛指 *** 、机构、组织或个人为实现目标而订立的计划。政策包含一连串经过规划和有组织的行动或活动。推行政策的过程包括:了解及制定各种可行方案,订立日程或开支优次,然后考虑它们的影响来选取要采取的行动。政策可以在政治、管理、财经及行政架构上发挥作用以达到各种目标。
〖伍〗、翻译如下:国家政策 national policy;state policy都可以。例句:国家政策的制定不该受外部影响。
〖陆〗、”法规与政策“可译为“laws and regulations and policies。例:It is about the effect of environmental management, environmental laws and regulations and environmental policies on the development of environmental protection industry.环境管理、环境法规与环境政策对环保产业发展的作用。
〖贰〗、然后点击这个“边写边译”选项,这时输入框左上方会显示一个“英文”按钮(如下图),表示会把输入框中输入的汉字翻译成英语。我们在输入框中输入“你爱我吗”,这时在输入框上方会自动显示“你爱我吗”的英语翻译“Do you love me”,然后点击“发送”按钮就把翻译后的英语发送出去了。
〖叁〗、中文译成英文的翻译是chinese,使用例句介绍如下:Interest in retaining the Chinese language is growing among Chinese-Canadians.越来越多的加拿大华裔渴望进修中文。
〖壹〗、come from a beautiful city of China. My English name is Vivian. During the holiday, I made a new friend, his name is xxx. Hes a sunny boy, hes my intimate friend. Today is his birthday. Here, Id like to say, xxx, happy birthday to you!纯手工翻译,希望采纳。
〖贰〗、不论是家养动物,还是野生动物,都是很可爱的。可是现在却有那么多人用残忍的手段伤害它们。 我对这种人简直难以理解。你可以不喜欢它,甚至可以讨厌它,但是你没有权利伤害它。